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The "lorem-ipsum" site of a master Procrastinator


about Me.

Mom was from the water tribe,.
Dad was a farm boy
I’m just a half-breed,
trying to be more than
a misfit.


{Catchy Tag Line}

{Sub title}
Two! dimensional designs

{Eagle PCB portfolio and tutorials}

3D Design

{fusion360 works}


{Instagram link} {add pluging to pre-view}


{change logo} {write blogs} {link blog}


As is...

yellow lime

{Key Interests/timeline/News}

{add Slogan}

{Arduino Day 2019}

“Some moments from the celebration of Arduino Day 2019 at BRAC University hosted by ROBU. It is an international event that is celebrated across the globe in honor for the great Arduino micro controlle…… #ArduinoD2019 #ROBU  “

{DUET Techfest 2018}

Team LazyBotz from BRAC University became the champion at DUET Techfest 2018 Speed Battle.
The battle segment held on 12th October 2018. The main challenge of this segment was to
complete the track as fast as possible without losing the line or misdirecting. A team of 6. . . .


“Team ” SWAT” from BRAC University received certificates from the legend ” Sachin Tendulkar “
The team attended the final round of WASH INNOVATION CHALLENGE on October 23rd at Bhutan.
– organized by BRAC and UNICEF”



“DUBURI is made by BRAC University students has opened the way for autonomous underwater robotics in Bangladesh. DUBURI is the first autonomous underwater robot in Bangladesh. Recently, the DUBURI team, with a new version of the robot participated in the “Singapore Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Challenge” 2019. . . . “


‘BracU Duburi’ group in a group photosession with the autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) in Singapore. In the picture, the team of Adnan Sabbir (team leader), Rahatul Amin Ananto, Sakib Ahmed Sumdany, and Shayantan Arko, are with their mentor and adviser, Dr Khalilur Rahman, associate professor at Brac University…




“BRACU Duburi” is the first autonomous underwater vehicle of Bangladesh and was launched in 2017. “Duburi” team was successful to secure 7th position in SAUVC (Singapore Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Competition) 2018 despite of being a newcomer by the perseverance of its four inventor Adnan Sabbir, Sakib Ahmed Sumdany, Sayantan Ark and Rahatul Ananta.


{link to blogging Sub-domain}

{another slogan}
Lazy Botz
Team LazyBotz from BRAC University became the champion at DUET Techfest 2018 Speed Battle. The battle segment held on 12th October 2018. The main challenge of this segment was tocomplete the track as fast…
Nestle Coffee Glass Mug
Part of an ongoing personal project about modeling stuffs that are lying around on my Desk. This was supposed to be an easy one, then my inner OCD with trivial details kicked in and…
Everyone is Racist (An old class work on Racism)
Everyone is Racist “There is a strange kind of enigma associated with the problem of racism. No one, or almost no one, wishes to see themselves as racist; still, racism persists, real and tenacious”…

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