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Part of the ongoing personal project about modeling stuffs that are lying around on my Desk. This time, I thought why not the room itself! I know fusion360 is not for this kinda work, but hey! my room, my rules! Who’s gonna stop me from wasting my time! (BTW, all parametric and shit !) I have even made a rug in blender for it (LIKE the one in my room)!… Read More »

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PC Hardware monitor Using arduino-display

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As I was looking forward to doing some DIY projects during this quarantined time, Arko suggested an external display for PC’s temperature monitoring… Googling, I found this nice Instructable and essentially replicated it. Though it didn’t work right out of the box, So I forked his original GitHub repo and made some adjustments to the sketch.   This turned out Okay-ish. I don’t like the stiff Arduino cable hindering/limiting flexibility… Planning… Read More »PC Hardware monitor Using arduino-display

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Corona Comb

    Part of an ongoing personal project about modeling stuffs that are lying around on my Desk. Here’s a fusion360 render… (Not half bad, right?! )   Grabcad Link   Spread the love

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Nestle Coffee Glass Mug

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Part of an ongoing personal project about modeling stuffs that are lying around on my Desk. This was supposed to be an easy one, then my inner OCD with trivial details kicked in and and… I tried to put in as many details as possible and make it picture perfect to the real one on my table…     And here’s some more Mugshots 😉 (rendered in fusion360) I wish… Read More »Nestle Coffee Glass Mug

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Everyone is Racist (An old class work on Racism)

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Everyone is Racist “There is a strange kind of enigma associated with the problem of racism. No one, or almost no one, wishes to see themselves as racist; still, racism persists, real and tenacious” (Memmi, 2000). There is a common misconception that racism is all between people with white and black skin. The word racist refers to a person, having or showing the belief that a particular race is superior… Read More »Everyone is Racist (An old class work on Racism)

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আমার রাতজাগানি তারা.. কেনো মরলে আমায় ছাড়া? একা টলছি দিনের আলোয়, আর রোজ রাত্তিরে পথহারা… কিরে, কেমন আছিস তুই? খুব জানতে ইচ্ছে করে… প্রায়ই মনের ভুলেই এ মন, তবু তোর স্মৃতিতেই পোড়ে..! আমার প্রিয় হাসির সুর, আর সেই ফুঁপিয়ে কাঁদার তান… আধো আধো কথা.. সুখি শব্দতে সাজান… আমার এক পৃথিবী ঘুম!.. আজো তোর চোখেতেই আছে? জানি হাড়-পাজরের মানুষ- সেকি স্মৃতিতে আর বাঁচে!! —April 29, 2015 Spread the love

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Imposter Conundrum

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I was called an imposter at my very first interview for an internship back in my final year of undergrad. It hurt me so badly that I almost cried calling my mother. I was devasted for a month. It was then when I decided to never seat for any job interviews rather fantasized over the stop-motion imaginary interviews where I throw my hefty portfolio over the desk to the interview… Read More »Imposter Conundrum

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Team LazyBotz from BRAC University became the champion at DUET Techfest 2018 Speed Battle. The battle segment held on 12th October 2018. The main challenge of this segment was tocomplete the track as fast as possible without losing the line or misdirecting. A team of 6students attended the competition divided into 2 teams. Sakib Ahmed(EEE Dept) withShemonto Das(CSE Dept) and Adil Hossain(CSE Dept) formed LazyBotz Jr 1 and AdnanSabbir(CSE Dept)… Read More »LazyBotz

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DAD – the mentalist

My father was a chemistry dropout banker and he hated his job. Not because he was bad at it but because he knew he had so much potential in the subject he was most passionate about. So like every other middle-class parent, he bestowed his dream of pursuing a STEM career to me. But unlike typical parents who enforce a science curriculum by means of parental rights, my dad manipulated… Read More »DAD – the mentalist

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Duburi V1 SAUVC18 DiveController (Main Board)

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This was the main controller board that dove (!) the BU_DuburiV1. It is essentially an Arduino Mega shield with power distribution, Opto-isolation of 6 channel dc motor driving signals, 9DOF motion sensor, and houses an Nvidia Jetson Tk1 on Top. Spread the love

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