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Eagle PCB pdf export

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A “how-to” on Autodesk Eagle design export in pdf format for DIY or local PCB printing.

Layers to export

Single Layer Design

Needed files:

  1. Bottom Copper (Must)
    -Dimension, Bottom, Pads, Vias
  2. Bottom Resist/Mask (optional)
    – Dimension, bStop
  3. Top Silk (optional)
    – Dimension, tPlace, tNames, tValues


Layers of interest:

(From left to right)Bottom Copper, Bottom Resist/Mask, Top Silk

Double Layer Design

Needed files:

  1. Bottom Copper (Must)
    -Dimension, Bottom, Pads, Vias
  2. Bottom Resist/Mask (Must for Bottom Silk)
    -Dimension, bStop
  3. Bottom Silk (optional)
    – Dimension, bPlace, bNames, bValues
  4. Top Copper (Must)
    – Dimension, Top, Pads, Vias
  5. Top Resist/Mask (Must for Top Silk)
    – Dimension, tStop
  6. Top Silk (optional)
    – Dimension, tPlace, tNames, tValues

Export/Print (Save as pdf)

Note these marked parameters. We have to change them for different layer sets.

Remember the following rules:

  1. Anything Bottom must be Mirrored
    -i.e. Bottom Copper, Bottom Silk, Bottom Resist
  2. Every file should be Black, Solid
  3. Scale factor must always be 1
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